growing up is hard to do!

for months, i have been waiting for the day my daughter would take her drivers license test. i literally had a count down of how many more days i would have to take her to and from school. she turned 16 on january 12 but i wasn't able to get her in for the test until late February. a couple of weeks ago i happened to go online and found an opening for a test....for January 21. we had exactly 7 days to really work with her on parking and all those other things she needed to know before the big day. during those 7 days i also asked anyone who would listen, to pray that she would pass her test. i. needed. her. to. pass. that test! 

the day came and we were both a bundle of nerves. based on the feedback from the instructor, we weren't sure she was going to pass...but...she DID! i had never felt such a sense of relief for both her and me. she was a licensed driver. i was so proud and nervous and sad and relieved and happy and scared and well, you get the picture. she dropped me off at my car and she drove away from me. my little girl was driving away from me. alone. on her own! 


for months, i couldn't wait for this day. i needed her to help get herself to and from school, work, etc. this day couldn't happen soon enough! and then it was here and she was driving away from her momma. she didn't even look back. 

and then i realized i had been wishing time away. just like that. without even really realizing it. not on purpose. but i did. 

to be honest, this last week our relationship has already started to change. we would use that daily drive to school and back to talk about her day and all the different things that came up during the day. and now, she leaves to go to work and school without me. my role as a momma is shifting again. she is gaining some serious independence and freedom and i have to watch it and wish i could have that time with her again. all the time she was starting to walk and talk and dependent on me for getting her places.


in 2 short years, my baby girl will be graduating from high school and leaving the nest. i am not. will not. wish that time away. i only get her for a few short years and in those years as a momma, I am here to guide and love and encourage her to do her very best. to help prepare her for the life she is about to embark on and make her own. i am so very excited for her. to watch her spread her wings even more than she is now. but i will not wish the time i have left with her away. 

we will never get the time back that we wish away. even the day that we wish was over. there are no do overs. take the time to embrace your life. every single minute. the bad. the good. the ugly. all the precious, precious time we have. how often have you taken it for granted? don't miss out on the experiences of the life you have been blessed to have!




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