2023 word

 already five days into 2023...a good time to claim "the" word for this year. 

hard. yep. hard. 

2023 will be the year to accomplish hard things. this year i turn 49 and the word hard really appeals to me. back in november, i set some tough goals. one night watching tiktok, i got the idea to do 23 hard things in 2023. they are as follows:

  • 100 rows on a rowing machine
  • sled pull with 100 pounds 4 rounds
  • elbow plank - hold for 90 seconds
  • pupp plank - hold for 90 seconds
  • jump rope 5 minutes consecutively
  • kettlebell swings - 30 pain-free
  • kettlebell snatches - pain-free
  • two yoga poses held for 60 seconds each
  • stance jump to mid-size box
  • completely run a 5k
  • 75 toe pushups
  • bike ride to glenwood, melrose, or sauk centre
  • triathlon or swimming portion
  • handstand
  • hike bean/bear loop trail 
  • paddleboard around lake beauty
  • walk/run half marathon
  • play piano 2-3 times a week with a scheduled recital
  • blog 5 times
  • read 6-8 books
  • volunteer for two community events
  • be proud and capture each accomplishment with a picture
  • drink 1/2 my body weight 5 times a week
10 years ago, these goals would have been "easier" to accomplish. this year will be hard and i am looking forward to it. accomplishing things i never thought would be possible. i am here for it. bring on the hard and 2023!


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