
Showing posts from October, 2023

when life gives you lemons...

there is no way I could have known how hard this year would be when i chose "hard" as my word for 2023. one of my previous posts included a list of hard things to accomplish by the end of this year. when i created the list, it was more of a goal list or things to accomplish list and to just do hard things. i am the type of a person if i am not able to complete something it really bothers me. My fear is that i failed by not actually completing the list. i vowed to myself that i would be flexible, not knowing what that meant.  as the year went on, boy did that list change. "hard" things i couldn't even imagine happening to me, and yet knowing and trusting each "hard" thing is part of a bigger plan. God's plan. my hardest hard in 2023 was being fired from a job. i can't even really say why. all i know is six months prior things started to change. physically, i was suffering from headaches and knots in my stomach. Stress was at an all-time high, an