
Showing posts from January, 2022

growing up is hard to do!

for months, i have been waiting for the day my daughter would take her drivers license test. i literally had a count down of how many more days i would have to take her to and from school. she turned 16 on january 12 but i wasn't able to get her in for the test until late February. a couple of weeks ago i happened to go online and found an opening for a test....for January 21. we had exactly 7 days to really work with her on parking and all those other things she needed to know before the big day. during those 7 days i also asked anyone who would listen, to pray that she would pass her test. i. needed. her. to. pass. that test!  the day came and we were both a bundle of nerves. based on the feedback from the instructor, we weren't sure she was going to pass...but...she DID! i had never felt such a sense of relief for both her and me. she was a licensed driver. i was so proud and nervous and sad and relieved and happy and scared and well, you get the picture. she dropped me off