
Showing posts from December, 2021

Time to Move Forward!

Well, here we are. the end of another year. reminds me of a phrase that you may have heard..."where does the time go". it is a very valid phrase and yet hearing it as much as i do, i realize how fast time really does fly by. it seems like yesterday, i was trying to figure out how to get my newborn (soon to be 16 year old!) to stop crying. it literally feels like yesterday.  at the end of each year, i like to set some time aside to reflect on the last 365 days. to remember the good. to look back at accomplishments (albeit they did not always start as accomplishments). to learn or relearn from mistakes. to appreciate the lessons that were given to me. to see and feel the scars from when broken. to be thankful for whatever those "lessons" were and the people in my life who helped transform and watch me blossom into who i have become. in my previous post, i shared what my reflections were for 2021. this week i spent a lot of time thinking about what i want going forward