
Showing posts from November, 2023

2023 wrap up

usually, i wait to do a wrap-up blog at the end of the year. but this year, i got lots of stuff on my mind and writing helps get things off my mind. and as you might guess this year has been all about hard. it started out as a list of things that may challenge me throughout the year, knowing that it would be tweaked along the way...only God knew what that would look like.  my initial hard list is in a past blog and below is the final list of things that i have accomplished (or am in the process of). while this list, originally was to be more definitely ended up being more mental/emotional - there were more tears than i care to admit! 5-minute rower workout PUPP plank - 90 seconds 100 lb sled pull friend party will completed/signed read 11 books warrior 1 pose - 60 seconds Biogirls volunteer break up finish 5k landscaped front of the building at work 16.2-mile bike ride around Lake Carlos debt free Hello Fresh meals - 7 weeks terminated from job job searching/interviewing/