
Showing posts from June, 2022


transformations are always fun to see.  when i think of transformations i tend to think of something physical. losing weight. gaining muscle. straightening teeth... last week, i got my braces off. it was a long 20 months of sore teeth, scarred cheeks, not being able to floss faithfully (oops), and rubber bands. i have had braces a few times, but y teeth never seemed to stay straight. then i turned 46 and decided now was the time...i simply wanted straight teeth and i was going to do whatever i needed to get those straight teeth. and so i went and got a consultation. and found out what was entailed with the process (and the price!).  the orthodontist said there was more that he could solve than just the straight teeth. i wasn't really interested in doing anymore than straightening them. but as we chatted, it kinda made sense to correct my bite at the same time. i didn't have much faith anything would happen except for the straightening.  after about one - three weeks, my darn te